Title IX Panel Discussion
Posted on 11/21/2022
The Ramapo High School Leadership Club (RAALC) in cooperation with Ramapo, Indian Hills High School and District Administration hosted a Title IX panel discussion on Wednesday, November 16th at 630pm in our upper gym. Joetta Clark-Diggs (Olympic Track Star & Motivational Speaker), Theresa Grentz (Naismith/Basketball Hall of Fame & Rutgers/Illinos Head Basketball Coach, Danielle Pernetti (Division 1 Athlete/IHHS Parent), Jessica DePalo (Senior Associate Athletic Director Columbia University) and Ramapo Senior Victoria Jolakian were part of our panel. The format and questions for the evening were created by RAALC and Indian Hills Students. RAALC moderated the event. It was a very informative evening and enjoyed by all who attended.