
Welcome to the Ramapo High School Mathematics Department Website.  The mathematics program is designed to provide a strong foundation in mathematics for all students.  Students will be taught the skills needed to be successful in college mathematics, and those with advanced mathematical ability can take courses that are taught at a faster pace, explore concepts at a deeper level, and have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement math courses. 

The teachers in the Mathematics department are highly qualified to deliver a rigorous mathematics curriculum to their students.  Open-ended questions and real-life applications are emphasized, and students are challenged to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  Students are often given the opportunity to work collaboratively with each other in their math classes to explore and reinforce concepts. 

Recommended Calculators - Students in all Mathematics courses are strongly encouraged to have their own graphing calculator. The Mathematics department recommends the Texas Instruments models TI 84 - TI 84 Plus calculators, as these will be used by all of our math teachers in class. The use of these calculators is permitted on district, state, and national assessments including the PARCC, SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT and Advanced Placement exams. In addition to high school math courses, these calculators will also be appropriate for college level studies.

Math and Computer Science Course Offerings – all courses are listed in the Program of Studies. 

Computer Science program – as indicated in our Program of Studies, Computer Science Honors, AP Computer Science A and AP Computer Science Principles are offered at our high school

Pathways- Several Mathematics courses are included in the Business/Computer Science Pathway Program- please reference Pathways page of Program of Studies

Extra help – Extra help is provided by teachers after school.  Any student who has additional questions or would like extra practice is encouraged to see his or her teacher for extra help.

Math Team - Our Math Team participates in both the Bergen County Math League and the New Jersey Math League.   The Math Team adviser is John Gaccione.    

Subject Supervisor
Michael Kaplan
[email protected],
201-891-1500 x2255

Ramapo High School Math Teachers:




Lee Barber

 l[email protected] Ext. 5005
Emily Biunno
 [email protected]

Jaclyn Brennecke

[email protected]

Ext. 6039

Matthew Caulfield

[email protected]

Ext. 6181

Kimberly Deamer

[email protected]

Ext. 5257

John Gaccione

[email protected]

Ext. 5045

Michael Kaplan

[email protected]

Ext. 2255

Aaron Kalman
[email protected]


Matt O’Neill

[email protected]

Ext. 5218

Pam Pappas

[email protected]             

Ext. 6203

Jongwon (Kevin) Park

[email protected]


Niki Slovinksi

[email protected]

Ext. 5074

Alex Tomaselli

[email protected]

Ext. 5170

Hana (Hong In) Yoon
[email protected]

Kevin Weydig

[email protected]

Ext. 5269

Erica Vitale [email protected]