Social Studies


Welcome to the Ramapo-Indian Hills Regional High School District Social Studies Department.  The RIH District currently offers courses of study in World Civilizations, United States History 1 & 2, Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Law & Human Rights, Modern European History, Psychology, Sociology, and Sports History at a variety of academic levels.  We pride ourselves on offering a program that introduces students to a comparative study of past and contemporary global societies.  Additionally, students will develop skills in research and analysis of primary documents and interpretations of scholarly work.  Our teachers utilize best practices in their content areas and vary their assessment strategies to reflect their students’ ability to think critically and communicate effectively.  We encourage our students to analyze evidence, read closely to formulate opinions based on evidence and develop a spirit of inquiry and curiosity to guide them as they as they develop into engaged and thoughtful citizens.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." --
Albert Einstein

Students interested in the Social Studies may enjoy participating in the following clubs and activities: Academic Decathlon, Amnesty International, Interact, Mock Trial, Model United Nations, Student Council

Subject Supervisor
Joseph A. Del Bouno
[email protected], voicemail extension: 2259

Mr. Michael Ivanov [email protected] ext: 6209
Ms. Cynthia Vander Molen [email protected] ext:5109
Ms. Hailee Gregory [email protected] ext:5234
Mr. Dan Laner [email protected] ext:5147
Mr. Chris Mayer [email protected] ext:6184
Mr. Tom Witterschein [email protected] ext: 5115
Mr. Dan Vander Molen [email protected] ext:
Mr. Michael Nangle [email protected] ext:5077
Mr. Stephen Harvey [email protected] ext:5003
Ms. Pamela Sibilia [email protected] ext:5006
Ms. Teresita Crane [email protected] ext:5030
Mr. Scott Jackson [email protected] ext:5058
Ms. Meredith Noah
[email protected] ext:5079
Mr. Michael Verdon [email protected] ext:6015
Ms. Kimberly LoBello [email protected] ext:5158