Ramapo High School Pickup and Drop Off Reminders

Ramapo High School Pickup and Drop Off Reminders
Posted on 01/31/2022
Ramapo High School Pickup and Drop Off Reminders

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are all aware that morning and afternoon traffic around campus can be backed up around the daily drop off and pick up times. With so many people moving on and off campus during these times, we ask that everyone take a moment to read through this letter and adhere to our established set of drop off and pick up procedures for the safety and security of everyone.

Please be mindful that parking/idling in the faculty parking lot during school hours, including dismissal time is strictly prohibited by local ordinance and posted signage. 

Parents are encouraged to utilize the upper and lower student parking lots for picking up their children. As many as 140 parking spaces are available

as a result of our early release students departing school grounds prior to the end of the school day.

As a general rule, parents and drivers need to practice courtesy, responsibility and patience. Please be mindful of pedestrians. 

Ways to ease congestion:

  • Allow buses the right of way and access to the drop-off/pick-up areas first
  • Keep the traffic moving as much as possible
  • Please drive as far forward as you can towards the gymnasium entrance doors when dropping off in the morning
  • Pull up close, but at a safe distance to the car in front of you
  • Do not cut in line, pass other cars, or take short cuts
  • Do not leave your car in the drop off area while you go into the school. If you need to go into the school, please park in a designated visitor parking space
  • When picking up at dismissal, do not idle/wait in the pedestrian crosswalk or fire zones  


Travis Smith, Principal

Ramapo High School