CTC Academy Visit on Friday, February 1, 2019

CTC Academy Visit on Friday, February 1, 2019
Posted on 02/06/2019
CTC Academy Visit on Friday, February 1, 2019Mr. Ron Anello, Mr. Mike Mancino, Matt Wingfield (12-VP of RAALC) and Erica Madley (11-President of RAALC) visited CTC Academy on Friday, 2/01/19.  CTC Academy is  an innovative education institution in Oakland, that provides creative education and advanced therapies to students with many different types of disabilities – students who face physical, medical and developmental challenges.   One of RAALC's goals for 2019 is to reach out to our community and assist with the needs or our Flow Districts.  We toured the facility, interacted with staff and students and met with CTC Director Russ Fay.  The goal is to visit the school again with RAALC Members and interact and participate with the staff/students in an activity based setting.  We also discussed hosting CTC students here at Ramapo.